Word(s) of the Year

How to Choose a Word of the Year


Truthfully, I wasn’t much of a “word of the year” girlie…but, this year, I decided to really give it a go.

A friend of mine consistently chooses a word of the year. Me, I’ve been a bit of a commitment-phobe. ONE WORD, ONLY?! FOR THE WHOLE YEAR? That’s a lot of pressure. But, I wanted to try something new this year. And to do it in my own way. So, I decided on TWO WORDS of the year for me! I’ve been using these words as mantras and I’ve found that when I repeat them to myself, it fuels me with inspiration, lightness, and a kind of surrender to the Universe. Even better, it targets my focus and stops any monkeybrain olympics.

Choosing a word of the year can be a fun way to set your intentions and goals for the upcoming year. It's like choosing a personal theme song or a simple affirmation that you can rely on for guidance.

So, how do you choose your word of the year?

First, reflect on what you want to focus on or accomplish in the upcoming year. What qualities or values or affirmations will help you remember or help you to achieve this? What themes pop up? What topic would you brand the year? What do you want to create more of in the new year?

Next, brainstorm a list of potential words that resonate with you. These could be anything from "gratitude" to "adventure" to "self-care". It could also be a phrase. My advice is to keep it simple. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and choose a word that truly speaks to your heart.

Once you've chosen your word of the year, make it visible. Write it on a sticky note and place it on your computer, set it as your phone background, or add it to your vision board. Allow your word of the year to inspire and guide you throughout the year.

Remember, the word you choose is not set in stone. If you find that it no longer resonates with you or if you want to switch things up halfway through the year, that's okay — you do you, boo! The beauty of choosing a word (or words!) of the year is that it's a flexible and adaptable way to set and remember your intentions and goals.

My words for the new year? TRUST & DELIGHT. These words encapsulate many themes I’m working on, and these words act as shining pillars. I’ll let you know in the next year how it shakes out! 😉

How-ToStacy LeePersonal